Our 26 partner NGOs

Together we are stronger. Thanks to the solid relations built up with our partner NGOs over the years, we are able to use your donations effectively and to long-term effect.

Strong partnerships

Working with 26 partner NGOs, we are able to ensure your donations are used most effectively to help disaster victims.

Every four years we review our partnerships with the NGOs and renew the accreditations, accept new organizations or terminate partnerships.

This means that the organizations we work with can always respond quickly and effectively when disaster strikes.

ADRA Switzerland, an Adventist relief and development agency, supports development projects, provides emergency relief and brings relief to families, vulnerable persons and disaster victims. By fostering autonomy and economic independence, ADRA restores human dignity.

Brücke · Le pont, ein Partnerhilfswerk der GlücksketteBrücke Le Pont supports projects in West Africa and Latin America through the “Work in dignity” program, focusing on vocational training, the creation of income and labour rights. It encourages financial autonomy and participation in social and political life.

Caritas Swiss, partner relief organizations
Caritas Switzerland helps people in distress in Switzerland and worldwide. In collaboration with regional Caritas organisations, it operates mainly where poverty reigns. Caritas provides emergency assistance in disasters and participates in reconstruction.

CBM The Christian Blind Mission SwissCBM Switzerland provides development cooperation and humanitarian aid. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, we prevent disabilities and provide medical care and inclusive support for people with disabilities. We are committed to an inclusive society in which no-one is left behind.

Frieda – the Feminist Peace Organisation is committed to peace and justice, with a focus on equality for women. With projects in Switzerland and abroad, Frieda contributes to the protection against gender-based violence and the promotion of social, economic and political participation.

Doctors Without Borders is an independent international humanitarian medical organisation that provides emergency assistance to populations without access to healthcare, in particular those affected by armed conflicts, epidemics or natural disasters.

Enfants du Monde is a Swiss self-help organisation
Enfants du Monde is a Swiss self-help organisation which provides quality education and healthcare to disadvantaged children in some of the world’s poorest countries. It operates in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Niger, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia and Haiti.

Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organization founded in 1995, which provides information to populations faced with crisis, empowering them in their daily lives and as citizens. Since its creation Fondation Hirondelle, based in Lausanne, Switzerland, has worked in 18 countries on 3 continents.

Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER), the relief agency of the Protestant Church in Switzerland, delivers humanitarian aid in response to natural disasters and armed conflicts and strives to counter the root causes of poverty and injustice. HEKS/EPER also seeks to bring about systemic change through its development work.

Helvetas works in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, where it initiates projects related to water, infrastructure, training, agriculture, the market, environment and climate.

IAMANEH Switzerland is a development cooperation organisation engaged in health promotion and protection. It supports projects in West Africa and the Western Balkans. Its main target group is women and children empowered to build their own future.

Medair helps people suffering in remote and devastated communities around the world to survive crises, recover with dignity and develop the skills they need to build a better future.

Médecins du Monde Suisse runs humanitarian and development programs providing solutions in a perspective of sustainability, with a particular focus on access to healthcare for mothers, children and vulnerable populations, worldwide and in Switzerland.

Pestalozzi Children’s Village Foundation works in 12 countries to provide quality education to children and adolescents. In Switzerland, the organization promotes students’ intercultural skills through active learning projects.

Save the Children Switzerland is an autonomous member of the largest independent children’s rights organisation in the world. In Switzerland and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.

SolidarMed is a Swiss organization that works in the field of health in Africa. It helps more than 2.5 million people in Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, aiming to develop and, where necessary, sustainably consolidate the provision of medical care.

Solidar Switzerland acts worldwide for a more just society, fighting for fairer working conditions and greater democracy, while delivering humanitarian aid following disasters. In Switzerland, Solidar runs public awareness campaigns.

SOS Children’s Villages supports children in need and families at risk in more than 135 countries. With programs for education, health and income generation, the organisation empowers children and families to shape their own future.

SWISSAID’s vision is a world where hunger does not belong and where even the poorest can lead a healthy, dignified, and autonomous life. As one of Switzerland’s most experienced development organisations, we create sustainable and climate friendly solutions to fight against the global food crisis. In doing so, we empower women, especially women in agriculture, to eradicate hunger.

The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is the largest and most important humanitarian organization in Switzerland. It helps people in need in the areas of health, integration and rescue. The SRC is represented throughout Switzerland and is active in around 30 countries.

Terres des hommes foundation builds a better future for underprivileged children in more than 30 countries. Health and protection projects improve the daily lives of two million children and their families each year.

terre des hommes Switzerland works to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged young people in ten countries in the southern hemisphere. Here in Switzerland it raises awareness of the inequality between North and South and encourages people’s solidarity.

Terre des Hommes Suisse operates in 9 countries, with local partners, to improve the living conditions of children and young people by providing them protection, access to education and advocating for their rights. In Switzerland, the foundation raises awareness and encourages young people to promote solidarity.

Foundation Vivamos Mejor works to achieve sustainable improvements in living conditions in Latin America. The Foundation is committed to promoting preschool and professional education and sustainable water use, as well as providing farmers with livelihoods.

VSF-Suisse fights hunger and poverty in Africa. More specifically, it works for and with people who depend on animals for their livelihood. The actions of VSF-Suisse lead to improved access to health services and education, thus providing a way out of poverty.

FSD (Fondation suisse de déminage) is a Swiss NGO specializing in humanitarian mine action. Its teams locate and destroy landmines and explosive remnants of war, conduct awareness-raising campaigns among affected populations and set up socio-economic assistance projects for victims of accidental explosions. 

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Foundation, please contact us. We will be happy to answer you.