How we use your donations abroad
Thanks to donations made to the Coronavirus International campaign, we can deliver assistance in countries acutely affected by the pandemic, including Nepal and Bangladesh.
This aid comes in many forms and includes distributing personal protective equipment, in this case masks and hand sanitiser to the public.
On the ground, our partner relief organisations are also raising public awareness about how to protect oneself from infection.
And last but not least, the donations we receive make it possible to provide temporary assistance to those affected in the form of cash or in-kind donations. This enables small businesses and local producers to comply with the prescribed hygiene measures and, in so doing, save their businesses. We are currently providing financial support to 20 humanitarian aid projects being run by our Swiss partner NGOs in 14 countries.
As the pandemic stretches on, not everyone in the world can breathe a sigh of relief as we can here in Switzerland. The most vulnerable people abroad are precisely those who lack the most in terms of protective measures and prevention. Let’s show our solidarity and help stem the suffering of those most affected by the pandemic worldwide by donating to the Coronavirus International fundraising campaign.