
East Africa: More than 12 million for emergency aid

The support for the affected people in East Africa is still great one week after our national day of solidarity. To date, we have received more than CHF 12 million in donations for emergency relief. The donations will enable us to further expand the ongoing aid provided by our Swiss partner organisations in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.

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More than seven million Swiss francs were raised on the occasion of our National Day of Solidarity on 23 November. Since then, solidarity with the people affected has continued and shown itself in the form of further donations. By Wednesday evening, Swiss Solidarity had received 12,274,649 Swiss francs in donations. The donations will enable us to further expand the urgently needed emergency aid through our Swiss partner organizations on the ground. Swiss Solidarity is currently funding eight projects of its Swiss partner organizations on the ground, including Adra, Caritas Switzerland, Heks, Helvetas, Medair, Save the Children Switzerland, the Terre des hommes Foundation and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières. They provide urgently needed emergency aid in the form of cash assistance to rebuild destroyed livelihoods, treat malnutrition in children and pregnant or lactating women, and provide access to water.

Aid already started

The Horn of Africa – Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia – is currently experiencing the worst drought in 40 years. Over 36 million people are affected, nearly 9 million livestock have died due to the lack of water and food prices continue to rise sharply. Swiss Solidarity already opened a donation account for the affected people in April and was able to finance the first projects. These include, for example, a project of the Terre des hommes foundation, which provides malnourished children with urgently needed, energy-rich emergency food, enables medical care and helps families to meet their most urgent needs.


Donations for the affected people in East Africa can still be made online or at any post office directly at the counter with the note “Hunger in East Africa”,.

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If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Foundation, please contact us. We will be happy to answer you.