
Every penny counts 2016 – How your donation helps

In 2016 SRF and Swiss Solidarity ran their eighth joint fundraising appeal “Jeder Rappen zählt”, this time to raise money for unaccompanied child refugees. CHF 6,700,124 in donations was raised up to mid-June.

Aid for children fleeing alone abroad

Our partner relief organizations Terre des hommes – helping children worldwide, Save the Children and ADRA are using this money in Greece, Italy and Serbia to help children travelling without parents or another responsible adult and who are stranded in one of these countries.

Our partner relief organizations help by:

  • protecting children from violence
  • treating the sick and injured
  • organising schooling and vocational training
  • providing legal advice
  • distributing food and other essential items.

They do this on rescue boats on the Mediterranean Sea, in refugee camps, on the streets and in schools.

Hilfe für Kinder allein auf der Flucht im Ausland

Up until now, around CHF 3.5 million of the CHF 6.7 million raised has been used to finance aid projects.

Hilfe für unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge in der Schweiz

Aid for unaccompanied minor refugees in Switzerland

We also support around 30 projects here in Switzerland that care for unaccompanied minors. These projects help children and young adults to become integrated in society and to find work.

The organizations help the children and young adults to:

  • learn the local language and improve their maths or other core school subjects so that they find it easier to integrate into the Swiss school system or vocational training system;
  • form plans for the future and to put them into action;
  • integrate better into our society via sporting or school activities.
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If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Foundation, please contact us. We will be happy to answer you.