Child Protection in Switzerland

We are committed to ensuring that every child in Switzerland has a happy childhood. Stand with us to ensure that abused children receive the help they need. Thank you for your donation!

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One child in four regularly suffers psychological violence

Unfortunately, child abuse is still part of everyday life in Switzerland. One child in 20 is physically punished at home on a regular basis. One in four children regularly suffers psychological violence. Abused children show a variety of symptoms, including eating or sleep disorders, delayed development, aggression or physical signs such as burns and broken bones. The abuse of minors covers all acts or omissions that cause disruptions in a child’s life or hinder his or her development. Growing up abused can have an impact on a child’s life, even in adulthood, affecting their health, work and emotional life.
Parents who find themselves in difficult situations linked to their socio-economic status, chronic illness or addiction find it harder to meet their children’s needs. When mothers or fathers feel overwhelmed and struggle to carry out their parental duties and this impacts their child’s development, outside support is vital.

"Child abuse is an often-unseen phenomenon that has a major impact on the future of those concerned. Children who are abused suffer deeply and need a particular kind of support. Your donation will make a difference for these children! Thank you for your solidarity."
Tabea Wäfler, Programme Officer Switzerland, Swiss Solidarity

Your donation’s impact

Thanks to your donation, the emergency shelters, foster homes and other child protection organisations we support can carry out the following work:

  • Providing protection and suitable support to abused children in specialised institutions
  • Bolstering parenting skills and abilities
  • Strengthening the parent-child relationship
  • Improving professionals’ ability to identify unstable family situations and intervene appropriately


More information

In 2022, Swiss Solidarity supported the following organizations through its child protection fund:

  • Agapé: Association genevoise d’actions préventives et éducatives
  • Association de médiatrices interculturelles AMIC
  • Association Foyer Arabelle
  • Association La Base
  • Association La Maisonnée
  • Association MAM (Maison d’Accueil Maternel)
  • Association Petit Corneille
  • Association VIRES
  • Associazione Consultorio delle Donne
  • Associazione Ticinese Famiglie Affidatarie
  • AVVEC – Aide aux Victimes de Violence en Couple
  • Centre d’accueil Malley-Prairie
  • Centre social protestant Berne-Jura
  • Cooperativa Baobab
  • Fondation As’trame
  • Fondation au Coeur des Grottes
  • Fondation EssentiElles
  • Fondation François-Louis Borel
  • Fondation Jeunesse & Familles (FJF)
  • Fondation Neuchâteloise pour la coordination de l’action sociale FAS – SAVI
  • Fondation St-Germain
  • Fondazione ASPI
  • Frauenhaus beider Basel
  • Frauenhaus Luzern
  • HEKS Inland Regionalstelle Ostschweiz
  • Institut Kinderseele Schweiz
  • MädchenHaus
  • National Coalition Building Institute Schweiz
  • Particip’Action
  • Pinocchio Beratungsstelle für Eltern und Kinder
  • Solidarité femmes Biel/Bienne & Region
  • Solidarité Femmes Fribourg – Centre LAVI
  • St.Gallischer Hilfsverein SGHV
  • Stiftung gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Kindern
  • Stiftung Liebfrauenhof Zug
  • Tagesschule Oberglatt
  • Verein Espoir
  • Verein Frauenhaus Winterthur
  • Verein Schlupfhuus Zürich
  • Verein ZwüscheHalt
  • Wohnheim Varnbüel

You are an organization or association active in Switzerland and would like to apply for funding? Click here (French) or here (German) for more details.

Together, we want children in Switzerland to have a happy childhood. Thank you, because your donation will make a difference in these people’s lives.

Donate now

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Foundation, please contact us. We will be happy to answer you.