Mr Akber Khan is living in AbaKhel, having a family of five to support. He has a physical disability as he lost his one leg in an accident. He works as a small vendor in the local market by selling vegetables and fruits. However, during August 2022 his household was severely damaged. His meager household assets were washed away, putting extra burden on his family. The stored food and grains were also destroyed due to flood. He was very much worried for his family and children as all area was under water and they had no support to survive. When finally, Mr Akber Khan received the relief goods in November 2022 he thanked the project team very much. He was also thankful to Solidar Suisse and its donors and partners for providing such a comprehensive package which not only restored his household asset but also provided enough food and other items for a longer survival after flood.
Ms Zarmina Gul is a 52-year-old single woman who is living at the bank of Kabul River. She was supporting her two sisters by selling homemade candies to children in their neighborhood. Of her sisters, one is physically disable since birth and the other has cardiac issues and has not been able to engage in physical labor. The family was severely affected by flood in August 2022 causing damage to their house and household items. The family expressed their gratitude for the support and stated that it came at the time when it was most needed as the whole neighborhood was severely affected by the flood and there was no one to lend them support in this time of distress.