More than 33 million people affected
In recent weeks, Pakistan has been hit by the heaviest monsoon rains in 30 years. A third of the country is flooded and more than 33 million people are in need of assistance. In addition, important infrastructure such as the drinking water supply, health facilities, schools, roads and bridges were damaged or destroyed. The effects for the people will remain for a longer period of time.
Help through Swiss partner organisations
We use the donations collected to finance emergency aid projects of our Swiss partner organisations, which were already active on the ground in Pakistan before the disaster. Thanks to the established structures, the emergency aid of the partner organisations Swiss Red Cross, Helvetas, Solidar Suisse, Save the Children Switzerland and Doctors without Borders could start immediately after the floods. The aid provided by our partner organisations focuses primarily on the prevention of health risks, the distribution of food and access to drinking water and essential goods.