Swiss Solidarity is helping in the regions most affected by the drought, focusing in particular on children, pregnant and lactating women, and remote and isolated communities which receive no other aid. The current drought is the result of six partial and insufficient rainy seasons since the end of 2020. It is one of the worst climate-related disasters in the recent history of the Horn of Africa. The drought is having a devastating impact on people’s livelihoods, thus, it will take many years to rebuild and recover.
More about our projects in East Africa
More about our projects in East AfricaLife-saving aid thanks to solidarity from Switzerland
Thanks to the solidarity of the Swiss population, Swiss Solidarity is providing aid in the regions severely affected by the drought, most of which are very isolated. In a lot of places, for instance, up to 90% of the livestock, which is essential for survival, died. The local people find themselves in a precarious situation and fear for their future.Swiss Solidarity finances projects of its Swiss partner organizations for the treatment and prevention of malnutrition, especially among children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, ensures access to health services, food and drinking water, and supports families engaged in agricultural and livestock farming. 45% of the donations collected are used in Ethiopia, 35% in Kenya and 20% in Somalia.
We supportprojects of our Swiss partner organizationsactive on the ground: Adra Switzerland, Caritas Switzerland, Christoffel Blindenmission, Heks/Eper, Helvetas, Medair, Save the Children Switzerland, Swiss Red Cross, Terre des Hommes Foundation and Véterinaires sans Frontières.
projects of our Swiss partner organizationsSituation remains extremely difficult
The situation in East Africa remains precarious. More than 22 million people in Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia are at risk of hunger. Although rainfall has improved in recent weeks, it is still not enough. Due to the extremely parched soil, the few rains lead to devastating flash floods which cause enormous damage, kill many animals and further worsen the situation of the already very vulnerable people.
Given the extent of the drought’s impact, affected populations will need many years to recover from its effects and rebuild their livelihoods. Sustainable solutions must be found to address the impacts of climate change in the long term, particularly by investing in resilient livelihoods.