How your donation helps in Switzerland
Here in Switzerland we focus on funding projects that provide additional support to that offered by the Confederation and the cantons.
We have two main long-standing partners with whom we work to provide this support: Caritas Switzerland and the Swiss Red Cross.
Nine further national organizations have built up their support for people in need: the Salvation Army (Heilsarmee), HEKS, Pro Infirmis, Pro Juventute, Pro Senectute (cantonal and intercantonal organizations), the Schweizerische Arbeiterhilfswerk SAH, Winterhilfe, the foundation Denk an mich and the umbrella organization of women’s refuges, DAO.
As our appeal goes on and the amount donated increases, we are extending our cooperation to other partners – particularly those operating at local level – which provide a range of different forms of support. We are currently providing funds to over 100 organizations.