
Gaza: A humanitarian crisis exacerbated by access restrictions


The situation is tragic

The people of Gaza are suffering an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. At a time when international humanitarian law is being flouted on a daily basis, and after months of violence and blockade, basic needs are going unmet at levels never before seen, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in utter despair. The situation is especially alarming in northern Gaza, where people are literally cut off from those in the rest of the territory.

Our partner NGOs on the ground – Terre des hommes Foundation, HEKS, Médecins du Monde, Frieda, MSF, Caritas and Save the Children – are working tirelessly to meet the most pressing needs. Yet they face overwhelming challenges, including access restrictions and heightened insecurity, which are severely hampering their ability to deliver vital aid. The projects supported by Swiss Solidarity are experiencing major delays as shipments of essential aid, such as lorries carrying life-saving goods, are being held up for months. The delays are only compounding the suffering of those in desperate need of assistance.

Despite these major challenges, our partner NGOs are maintaining their presence on the ground in order to:

Though sporadic, humanitarian corridors are making it possible for our partners to provide vital support to landlocked populations. However, the sheer scale of the needs in Gaza is overwhelming and far outstrips the amount of aid that can be brought in.

Increasingly urgent humanitarian needs

Intensive bombing has destroyed essential infrastructure, leaving residents without electricity, access to drinking water and basic food supplies. With already overburdened hospitals in ruins, medical teams are trying to treat the injured despite a crying shortage of equipment and medicines. The destruction of civilian infrastructure is further hampering access to affected areas. Thousands of displaced families are living in precarious conditions in makeshift shelters, often without electricity or running water.

Organisations working in the field estimate that thousands of families are now facing famine, while abysmal sanitary conditions are causing the rapid spread of disease.

What can we do to help? 

You can donate to our “Humanitarian crisis in the Middle East” fund to help provide essential aid to affected populations and express your solidarity with all those who are suffering so much. 


If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Foundation, please contact us. We will be happy to answer you.