A remarkable outpouring of solidarity
On January 12, 2010, a powerful earthquake shook Haiti, killing over 300,000 people. A decade later, the scenes of devastation left behind by that natural disaster remain etched in the minds. You and many others like you donated over 66 million francs to help victims of the 2010 quake, in one of the most successful appeals in our history. Thanks to a remarkable outpouring of solidarity from the people of Switzerland, enough money was raised to provide victims with lasting support. How are your donations still making a difference today? The facts in five figures.

2,074 homes repaired or rebuilt
Not only putting a roof over the heads of thousands of people, our partner NGOs were also able to mitigate the effects of future disasters by rebuilding homes in a way which meets modern earthquake- and cyclone-resistance standards. Ten years on, according to a 2019 impact study, 95% of people are still living in those homes and feel safe in them. In addition to benefiting from safer housing, the people of Haiti also benefited from restored infrastructures: 12 health centres, 19 schools and 64 kilometres of repaired or rebuilt evacuation routes.

1,040 water reservoirs installed
Ensuring that water is safe to drink is a priority when it comes to safeguarding the health of the population after a disaster like the one that struck Haiti in 2010. Water quality projects continue to keep countless people from taking ill: over three quarters of supported families continue to use the water points rehabilitated after the earthquake. Our partner NGOs have also repaired 78 drinking water networks and built 4,850 latrines.

27,500 medical consultations after the earthquake
While the tremors caused scores of injuries requiring emergency care, they also created health crises, such as cholera epidemics, which remain a threat today. Our partner NGOs have treated 3,300 people with this disease, a scourge our partner NGOs have been striving to control. One hundred thousand people have also benefited from awareness programmes aimed at promoting proper hygiene practices, which play an ongoing role in preventing epidemics.
1,400 families supported so they can earn a living
Seeds, farming tools and livestock... The assistance these families have received enabled them to return to their livelihoods following the earthquake, reducing their dependence on humanitarian aid. Our partner NGOs also supported economic recovery for 200 fishers by providing them with technical assistance, fishing gear and boats. As a result, 90% of them have regained their livelihoods.

869,000 trees planted
Reforestation supports not just nature, but the population too. In just under three centuries, Haiti lost 98% of its plant cover. Deforestation caused by logging impoverished the soil and increased the risk of natural disasters. New trees planted by our partner NGOs protect water sources and reduce soil erosion which threatens agriculture. They also prevent landslides and flooding during torrential rains. At the same time, securing ravines in ten communes and implementing contingency plans at seven schools also helped lower the risk in regions highly susceptible to natural disasters.